Kan Chen Resume

工作履历 Work History

Nov 2013 - Current

主理人 Director

Melmel Consulting Pty LTD

Melmel Consulting 为我的主要工作重心,包括了品牌设计,品牌网站,商业系统开发,品牌推广,微信平台运营及推广,以及2019之新生代的推广业务,比如微信小程序开发及商业短视频脚本,拍摄,配音,配乐,调色,编辑,等等。设计品牌200多家,网站制作150多家,长期运营客户10多个,广告视频50多个,微信平台粉丝5w多本地澳洲留学生。My main job is managing Melmel Consulting, which includes branding design, website development, WeChat social media platform managing, plus some new upcoming services, such as WeChat app developing and short ads videos.


主理人 Director

Melmel Marketing Group Pty LTD

Melmel Marketing Group 于2018年成立主要负责对接Melmel Consulting的一些后续推广业务,核心主要对应的是长期合作的澳洲本地品牌及推广客户。 Established a new co-corporate company called Melmel Marketing Group which is aim to release the pressure from the long-term brand marketing services for Melmel Consulting and we have promoted for following brands: HERMES SILK MIX / THE HOUSE OF DIOR / KENNEDY / MELBOURNE AIRPORT T2 TAX FREE LUXURY / MARAIS / TOM FORD / LA MER / BOBBI BROWN / JO MALONE LONDON / YSL BEAUTY / CLINIQUE / KIELH'S / MECCA MAXIMA / PRICELINE / MAC / MYER, and more.



Tiktok & LittleRedBook Personal Accounts

2024年,将开始运营2个个人短视频运营号,一个作为学习视频创作为主主要学习和实践基础的运镜,剪辑,调色,配乐,音效等等,主题为墨尔本生活和胶片摄影。另外将例用AI创建自动生成的内容会按照和 剧本框架和人物情节为主,目的是掌握AI运用和视频快速提取和编辑。按照我的预期AI技术将为个人短视频平台带来更智能化的内容推荐和个性化体验。通过分析用户的观看历史、兴趣爱好和行为模式,AI算法可以精准地为用户推荐他们感兴趣的短视频内容,从而提升用户体验和留存率。其次,AI技术将为个人短视频内容的创作和编辑提供更多可能性。例如,AI可以用于视频剪辑、特效添加、语音合成等方面,帮助创作者们更快速地制作高质量的短视频内容。此外,AI还可以用于内容审核和版权保护,帮助平台更好地管理和维护内容生态。此外,AI技术还将为个人短视频平台带来更丰富的互动和社交功能。例如,AI可以用于实时语音识别和情感分析,使用户在观看和评论视频时能够更直观地表达自己的情感和想法。此外,AI还可以用于视频直播和虚拟人物的创建,为用户提供更加丰富和沉浸式的互动体验。In 2024, I'll run two personal short video accounts. One focuses on teaching video creation techniques like cinematography, editing, and more, centered around Melbourne life and film photography. The other will use AI to generate content based on "Mad Men" and "House M.D." scripts for learning AI application and fast video extraction. AI will enhance content recommendations, aid in creation and editing, and enrich interactive features on the platforms.



Film Camera Photographer & Collector

在2017时洞察到除了日益增长的线上业务以外还需要一个实际的线下服务型业务来支撑现在线上的快速扩展,经过差不多一年的观察及考虑我决定学习如何摄影,这个决定现阶段看来是个很重要的安排,也影响了后期墨尔本Melmel的业务发展方向,辅助公司接到了一些商业拍摄的项目和承载了一些辅助推广的摄影任务。通过学习已经熟练掌握了胶片摄影的各个环节,从35mm,120mm中画幅到大画幅4x5各种底片的拍摄和冲洗。Always to think ahead is a pro-strategy to business, I was considering a new business model need an off-line skill to support further expansion. After almost a year of researching, I decided to learn photographing. It was a correct decision to me as it had a positive effect on Melmel's services such as short video making and won some product marketing as well. Through learning, I've become proficient in every aspect of film photography, from shooting and developing various formats like 35mm, 120mm medium format, to large format 4x5.

学历背景 Education


Computer Sciense

Monash University

澳洲墨尔本莫纳什计算机本科背景毕业,读书时候没什么特别的事情发生,成绩也不是特别优异,一些HD,几个D,几个C,一边学习一边做着eBay养活自己,发现SEO很重要,搜索结果排名在前面东西才能卖的比较好,也是日后工作创业的基础能力。Graduated from Monash University, nothing special during study years, I got few HDs, some Ds and Cs. Start to selling things on eBay, found out SEO would make a huge difference for selling products online.


Information Technology

Monash College

2006年底到的澳大利亚,开始在墨尔本留学,由于国内时候学的金融所以来澳洲选择了自己比较喜欢的专业,刚开始第一年有点语言磨合得过程。大专整个学习还是比较轻松的,但还没有开始做任何实际性项目。 Became an oversea student from 2006 in Melbourne, college study was not too hard for me, yet I was not planning to do some real projects.


国际金融 International Economics and Finance

Shanghai University

上海大学嘉定校区,国际金融学院,渡过了非常丰富的四年大学生活,成绩尚可,大学生该做的荒诞事情也都收集齐了。与其说这段大学生活是一段读书经历,不如说是一段进入社会前学习社会处事原则的学习过程。嘉定四年,受益颇深,影响人生。I spent four years at Shanghai University, which had an unbeatable impact means to my life.

现阶段客户 Testimonials

HungryPanda 熊猫外卖

HungryPanda 熊猫外卖


Before a new round of inverstments at 2024, the website was redesigned and developed to have a younger and more energetic appearance. Since 2017, our primary focus has been on serving to the local needs of Chinese communities across the globe. Throughout this period, we have continuously strived to improve the quality of our services in essential areas such as food delivery, fresh food delivery and lifestyle services.




Rebuilt CRM & connected to Salesforce and other marketing tools, achieve desired sales goals. Courses4me is a well-established leader in online education, with over 30 years of combined expertise in education and tranining. We are passionate about enriching people's lives and offer a range of courses that cater to different interests and career goals.




Arrow Toolquip is a Melbourne-based local manufacturer that specialising in fabrication of ute trays, toolboxes and canopies, as well as an import company that also import these products. All of our products are designed by our highly experienced engineers with the use of latest technology and machinery.

EST Skinlab

EST Skinlab


Melbourne-based aesthetic clinic dedicated to providing individualised treatment in a professional and caring environment. Founded by Dr Frank Lin, renowned Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, we strive to deliver beautiful, natural and achievable results, combining specialist medical expertise with scientifically proven skincare treatments.




One stop online baby shop. Stocking quality brands including Bebe, Nuk, Medela, Skip Hop, Vtech, Fisher Price, and more. Also featuring maternity wear and Japanese nappy brands: GOO.N, Merries, Moony. f32/17-21 Market St, Box Hill VIC 3128




Hundreds of weddings take place each week throughout picturesque Melbourne and gorgeous Sydney. With many years of wedding photography and wedding videography experience, we are proud of our commitment and expertise in capturing timeless and beautiful moments you’ll never forget.

Olinda Tea House

Olinda Tea House


Nestled in the heart of the stunning Dandenong Ranges just 50km from the Melbourne CBD, the Olinda Tea House is a place like no other. With unrivalled ambience, it is the perfect location to host your next special event.




VIERRA is a dedicated inner beauty brand endeavour of evidence-based product research & development, to provide a holistic approach for beautiful skin, health & wellbeing.VIERRA is originated in Melbourne, passionate about natural ingredients & formula innovation, embrace the finest laboratories to provide the optimal clean inner beauty solution.